Helping individuals get out of their heads, into their bodies, and feeling like themselves again.

Accepting clients virtually in IL and TX.

Insurances Accepted

IL: BCBS, Aetna, Optum (United, Oxford, Oscar)

TX: Aetna, Optum (United, Oxford, Oscar)



Clinical Supervision



Standard 55-Minute Counseling Sessions: $165/hr

Clinical Supervision: Group sessions | $45/hr, Individual Sessions | $80/hr

Consultation: Inquire for Pricing

Upcoming Events

Mindful Movement and Reflection

Join us for an experience including elements of somatic movement, guided meditation, and reflection with a licensed therapist and trauma conscious yoga method practitioner in efforts to make mental healthcare accessible. Come enjoy the opportunity to build community, win raffle prizes, and more! Mats and props provided.

April 28 (SOLD OUT), May 26, June 30, July 21